Getting to Know the Inventor

The inventor of the Replenish Lever is Mr. Ronald Simeon Eiselstein. He is an expatriate of a Filipino-American colonial family originally from Meigs County, Ohio. Being in the military, his great grandfather and grandfather, under President McKinley, were ordered to the Philippines over 100 years ago and he is one of the first generation to…

The inventor of the Replenish Lever is Mr. Ronald Simeon Eiselstein. He is an expatriate of a Filipino-American colonial family originally from Meigs County, Ohio. Being in the military, his great grandfather and grandfather, under President McKinley, were ordered to the Philippines over 100 years ago and he is one of the first generation to return.

He was 12 years old when he was introduced to the Archimedes lever by his father. His father built him a model and explained in detail how power can be generated. This became his lifetime quest to solve the mystery of renewable energy for mankind.

He has spent two years of college education in the Philippines when he was recruited by the US Navy to be trained as a submarine nuclear ballistic missile technician. After graduation, he served on a top-secret submarine tender but was later discharged from service for a ballistic missile submarine due to a history of asthma. He was then offered a position at Newport News Shipbuilding as an engineering analyst and worked there for five and a half years. During these years he often debated with his associates on the possibility of a new renewable energy converter.

In 1987, he resigned from the corporate world and became a businessman. In 2004, he continued his research about the Archimedes lever in his small laboratory in the basement of the historic post office building in Poland, Ohio. His conclusion at that time was that the Archimedes Lever could significantly multiply force as an energy converter and, designed as a see saw, can alternate leveraging torque.

After 50 years of pondering, the mystery to be solved was discovering the energy available for the lever to convert. In 2019 while driving home, He noticed a full moon over Youngstown and EUREKA! The answer was right in front of him. The question of what force can counter the significant force of gravity is the gravity of the moon and the sun! The earth’s tides and rain replenish the elevated weight of water and that water energy can be the energy for the lever to convert. Furthermore, the enormous energy of the oceans and rivers can be, with every drop, naturally converted globally providing civilization more energy than ever would be needed. This innovation made it possible for the patent of the lever to be applied for and granted.

Today, Replenish has grown into a company with seven engineers, two administrative supports and five senior advisers. The current development of the model of lever is ongoing but what inspired the engineers to turn it into an actual model is the dedication Mr. Ron is putting into it. Years of studying and curiosity were not an easy journey but turning that dream into reality is an even harder task. With consistent dedication and fervent passion, the working prototype of the first ever lever will be achieved.